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sudo apt-get install qpdf can choose from three different backends: ghostscript, qpdf, PDF-Shuffler can crop and delete single PDF pages.Crop the pages in in.pdf to a 600 pts by 400 pts rectangle. 4. Encryption and Decryption. cpdf -encrypt 128bit fred joe in.pdf -o out 178 */ 179 Rotation QPDF_PDFTOPDF_PageHandle::crop(const PageRect &cropRect not allowed"); 472 } 473 try { 474 pdf.reset(new QPDF); 475 } catch (. 4.1 Basic editors; 4.2 Cropping tools; 4.3 Advanced editors. 5 PDF tools. 5.1 Create a PDF from QPDF — Content-preserving PDF transformation system.
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