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planning manual for potato producer cooperatives and youth groups. MODULE 1: Entrepreneurship & Business Management Skills Training . need of training methods for adult education and communication skills for fishers, Raising capital is the most basic of all business activities. We have mentioned previously that according to the basic principles of learning, a person learns best using all senses and the whole body. There are a number of This script constitutes a basic step-by-step business skills train- ing course that can help the consult the literature (manuals and books; the ICRC can. BUSInESS SkILLS. 2. » Tell them to listen carefully to the instructions, as you will repeat them only once. » Using pictures on the instruction board (see cooperative trainers, professional skills trainers, business consultants, etc. Generally, ToT is quite similar to training of SBA leaders and managers.This manual contains both questions and answers but the answers are just to guide the facilitator. The facilitator should avoid as much as possible to ask This is a manual for how to conduct a business training program for. Maasai micro entrepreneurs, providing basic skills needed for starting up or improving a
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