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The Medela Harmony single manual breast pump is designed for mums who mostly breastfeed and is great for travel or as a backup to your electric pump. Manual breast pumps like Harmony™ from Medela are perfect for busy schedules, as a backup to your electric pump, or for occasional use if you normally The Medela Harmony Manual Breast Pump is designed for mums who mostly breastfeed and is great for travel or as a backup to your electric pump.Manual breast pumps like Harmony™ are perfect for busy schedules, as a backup to your electric pump, or for occasional use if you normally breastfeed your baby. Place silicone diaphragm/ button into small opening stem (B) into pump handle on yellow valve (F) until (A) and press down firmly membrane lies completely The Harmony manual breastpump also uses 2 Phase Expression technology, one of the only manual breast pumps to do so, ensuring you have as natural a breast
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